Saturday, 15 March 2008

Eternity Touch (Part 4)

Click here to start at the beginning.

** NOTE: The next couple of extracts contain slightly adult content. Nothing graphic (Cos I blush too much), but stuff is definitely implied. Just so you know. **

The thing that amazed me was how his touch changed. I mean, once I got over the being in hell thing. Of course I hadn't believed him at first. He found that hard to handle. You'd think a god would know how to handle any situation, but apparently human social skills are beyond the repertoire of the Lord of Hades. But he convinced me. I couldn't continue to disbelieve once I had seen those rooms. That coldness in his eyes as he said to me, "I'll show you". They were… awful. Clinical. The only way I can explain it is like a mental asylum. One of those really terrible ones you see in movies from decades ago, only worse. Much, much worse. No fire and brimstone, no Dante infernos. Nothing as living, as heated, as a flame. Just rooms and rooms of empty souls, going quietly mad. And some going not so quietly mad. It makes me shiver just thinking about it. I cried. Horrified, silent tears, burning my cheeks. It was a strange kind of relief, to feel those hot points of salt water on my skin, so I knew I, at least, was still alive. Eventually, he took us away. I might have begged him to leave. I don’t really remember.

And then suddenly we weren't there any more. We were in what looked like a drawing room. Well, at least, what I would imagine a drawing room to look like (having never been in a real one before). Complete with log fire, and shelves of books. Although when I tried to read one, I realized they were all blank. Beautiful leather bound books - Great Expectations, Moby Dick, Pride and Prejudice, all the classics - but every one of them blank inside. When I asked him about it, he just shrugged.

"I couldn't fill them in. I hadn't ever read any of them," was his only explanation.

And then he touched me. I can't explain the change. My only guess is that he decided it must change - he knew the effect he wanted, and so he got it. It was electrifying. I felt him touch me in every nerve in my body - and the result was a profoundly pure physical reaction. If you can imagine the best lover you have ever had, and then imagine what a god can do with that kind of knowledge.

All I can say is, it was never pomegranate seeds that trapped Persephone in Hell.



Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Thanks. :)